The OPAL PRO MS6 series is a dependable digital soft starter suitable for motors ranging in size up to 1200 HP over the 200-600V range. This digital three phase soft starter offers trouble free use with dual modes for current limit and step and ramp current operations. Programmable overload allows flexibility of class 10, 15, 20 and 30 motor overload protection.
The OPAL PRO MS6 is the optimal solution for medium to large size motors that range from light duty to heavy duty in nature. Ease of installation and quick keypad set up make it an ideal solution where an easy to use starter with robust heavy-duty design is desired. Available in various configurations, this starter offers options for solid state full torque reversing and high torque DC injection braking. SAF’s own Ethernet communication card offers full digital communications and control over Ethernet IP and Modicon TCP communication protocols.
The MS6 is a rugged field serviceable unit designed to last for decades.
- Heavy duty starting capabilities – 500% for 45 seconds
- 5 year manufacturers warranty
- Removable door mountable keypad
- Common control card through starter range
- IOC and single phase protection on start up
- Standard current limit and ramp control
- Built-in programmable motor protection
- Pump control, bypass and shear pin control standard
- Shorted SCR protection
- 2 wire or 3 wire control, 120 volts
- Low speed forward and reverse jog
- Factory and field serviceable components
- Chassis available with low cost compact Nema 12 wall mount cover up to 80 amps
- Available in Nema 1/12/4/4X enclosures in all sizes with and without disconnect
SAF offers a complete line of soft starter solutions ranging from compact, light duty solid state soft starters to MV starters for some of the most heavy duty and demanding applications.